Saturday, April 17, 2010

How To Save Money When Having A Child

There’s a LOT of extra unnecessary costs associated with having a child.  Many people think they are bad parents if they don’t spend a ton of money on every class, book and device to help with having a child.  Truth is, billions of people for thousands of years have been having children and guess what, the human race is still here.  All sarcasm aside though, America’s capitalism shines through when it comes to baby spending.  You really don’t need to spend that much when having a baby.  Here are some quick tips on saving money when having a child:
  • Goodwill - Goodwill stores are one of the greatest inventions of all time.  When it comes to books, clothes and even baby furniture, you can find it all a goodwill and often in excellent condition.  A lot of people turn their nose at Goodwill because the merchandise is second hand but if you can be mature and realize that this is no different than family giving you their old baby stuff, your all set.
  • Avoid Childbirth Classes - Unless you plan to give birth all natural with no drugs, just about anything they can teach you can be learned from the internet or as advise from other recent mothers.  These classes are expensive and offer you information on something your body is already designed to do naturally.
  • The Internet - The Internet is quite possibly the greatest invention of the last century and it has revolutionized the way the planet communicates.  Within that vast sea of information is just about everything you could want to know about having a child and best of all, IT’S FREE!!!
Remember to shop smart and save money!  Your child will be perfectly happy without being spoiled and you'll have more money to use for more important things.

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