Monday, March 28, 2022

GameFromScratch (Tutorials and Resources)


- When it comes to game development, the more sources of information available the better. GameFromScratch covers a wide variety of game development information including news, tutorials, and resources. While other game development sites tend to focus on a specific engine, GameFromScratch has a much broader approach giving you a taste of just about everything available making a perfect site for developers looking to keep up with the latest in the independent game development scene.

Twitter: @gamefromscratch



Friday, March 25, 2022

HeartBeast (Tutorials)


- A good teacher can make a big difference for those looking to get into game development, especially for an autodidact. HeartBeast is an excellent teacher for those looking to expand their horizons into engines such as Godot and Game Maker Studio. The HeartBeast YouTube channel offers a wealth of content from an experienced game developer covering topics across all stages of game development making it an amazing resource for newcomers. They are dedicated to teaching people how to make games (specifically in the Godot engine currently) and this dedication shows in the quality of their tutorials which even include options for paid expanded courses with support from the HeartBeast Gamedev Academy. 

Twitter: @uheartbeast


Gamedev Academy


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Krita (Image Editing Software)


- Krita is a free and open source image editing program designed by artists for artists. It's especially great for digital painting and 2D animation needs. While not quite as robust as Photoshop in terms of extra features, Krita is equally as powerful. Being open source also gives it a massive advantage in terms of support from the community. Another major plus is its price giving it a major step up over the atrocious subscription based pricing model that Adobe forces on its users. Krita is also very cleanly designed making it easy to use for both professionals and newcomers. Krita, when combined with GIMP, offers any digital artist a very powerful (and free) set of tools.

Twitter: @Krita_Painting


Sunday, March 20, 2022

Playdate Pulp (Game Engine)

 Playdate Pulp

- The Playdate is a portable game console that feels like an indie take on the classic Game Boy only in the modern era complete with a unique crank control mechanism. It has a unique game delivery method of "seasons" where you get games each week for 12 weeks. The Playdate was developed by Panic, publisher of indie game hits Firewatch and Untitled Goose Game. Pulp is a web based game editor specifically designed for the Playdate system. It runs within your web browser and allows you to build a full game for the Playdate. It keeps things very simple making it a perfect option for those with no experience looking to make a game for free.

Pulp Website:

Playdate Website:

Panic Website


Panic Twitter: @panic

Playdate Twitter: @playdate

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

GDQuest (Godot Tutorials)


- Godot continues to rise as a powerful and flexible open source game engine. Some developers have even begun switching from larger, more well known engines making Godot a great engine to learn as it continues to grow as a game development tool. GDQuest is dedicated to teaching you how to use this powerful engine. Whether it's Coding, Procedural Generation, Shaders, etc., GBQuest has got you covered and is an excellent resource for all Godot developers.

Twitter: @NathanGDQuest



Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Wishforge Games (Tutorials and Resources)

 Wishforge Games

- For those looking to get into the super accessible GDevelop game engine, Wishforge Games offers everything from tutorials to assets to get you going. Their YouTube channel offers a great selection of well produced tutorials as well as videos showing off games developed by Wishforge including their sweet physics based platformer Squaremoji. The Wishforge page has a great selection of game development assets including graphics and game templates. 

Twitter: @WishforgeGames



Sunday, March 13, 2022 (Game Publishing Platform)

- is a website dedicated to indie games, allowing users to sell and download games. The site is excellent with its revenue sharing model where the site get's 10% while the developer gets the rest and this can be adjusted on the developers end to give the site more if they wish. is home to nearly half a million indie games covering just about every genre possible and almost everything is DRM free. If you are looking to self publish your game, you would be hard pressed to find a better platform on the entire internet. A massive bonus is that many developers offer a Steam code with purchase meaning that you can make sure a developer is getting the best share of the profits while still having access to their games on Steam. 

Twitter: @itchio



Saturday, March 12, 2022

Robert Doman (GB Studio Tutorials)

  Robert Doman

 - When it comes to GB Studio, one of the most active content creators in the tutorial scene is Robert Doman. He comes highly recommended if your focus is on GB Studio development. While he is a relatively small creator, he offers a lot of great tutorials on his YouTube channel and a excellent selection of Game Boy games via his page.


Twitter: @robertldoman

Sunday, March 6, 2022

GameMaker Studio 2 (Game Engine)

GameMaker Studio is one of the longest running game engines on the market today with its origins dating back to 1999. Its roots started as an education tool for creator Mark Overmars. It has since been acquired by YoYo Games (and Opera Software in 2021) and turned into a major force in the industry powering many hit games such as Hyperlight Drifter, Forager, and Undertale.

GameMaker is primarily focused on 2D game creation but there are options for some basic 3D which has been introduced over the last half decade. The engine is excellent for beginners as it runs from a drag and drop system but allows for deeper customization for more advanced developers through the use of GameMaker Language which is the engines own scripting language. While it used to be a standalone program, it has moved to a subscription based pricing model as of Game Maker Studio 2.0 which may be an issue for developers on a budget.

PLATFORMS: Windows, Mac

PUBLISH TO: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, HTML 5, Switch, Xbox One, PS4

PRICING: Free Trial (with select pricing options available)

LICENSE: Proprietary

Official Website:

Twitter: @YoYoGames


NOTABLE GAMES: Undertale / Hyperlight Drifter / Nidhogg

Friday, March 4, 2022

GB Studio Central (News and Education)

 GB Studio Central

- If you want to stay up to date on all things in the GB Studio development scene, few resources are as good as GB Studio Central. It's a perfect tool and companion piece for any Game Boy developer. They cover everything from upcoming games to new hardware and are officially endorsed by Chris Maltby, creator of GB Studio. If you're looking to get into the Game Boy development scene, GB Studio should be on your list of sites to follow.

Twitter: @gbs_central


Pixel Pete (Graphics and Tutorials)

 Peter Milko (Pixel Pete)

- Developing as a pixel Artist is challenging for many newcomers but is an essential fundamental for many growing game developers. With practice and skill, a great pixel artist can craft a world as immersive and engaging as the most stunning and realistic 3D world. If you have even a remote interest in pixel art, Pixel Pete has got you covered with a great deal of tutorials presented in an engaging and friendly style. If you're looking for a quick preview of his skills, take a look at his current game, a tower-defense action-RPG titled Dwerve ( 

- Pete also offers a good number GB Studio tutorials on his YouTube channel. They cover basic game design within the engine as well pixel art tutorials on working within the extreme limitations of the Game Boy's four color palette.

Twitter: @PeterMilko


GB Studio (Game Engine)

GB Studio is an easy to use game creator built to make games for the original Game Boy. Simple to use, this engine is designed to jump into without any prior knowledge. The engine is quite robust and allows the creation of a wide variety of games including RPG's, platformers, adventure games and much more. You are able to export your games to the web via HTML 5 support making them available to just about anyone with a PC web browser. A nice bonus to this engine is that games can be exported as Game Boy ROMs making your creations playable on original Game Boy hardware or emulators. This is super niche game design but in the best possible way. A perfect starting point for any budding game designer and an excellent exercise in learning to work within extreme limitations.
NOTE: GB Studio is fully supported by the Analogue Pocket.

PLATFORMS: Linux, Windows, Mac

PUBLISH TO: Linux, Windows, Mac, HTML 5, GB Rom


Official Website:

Twitter: @GBStudioDev

NOTABLE GAMES: Deadeus / Soul Void / Dragonborne 

GB Studio Creator: Chris Maltby

Twitter: @maltby

Kdenlive (Video Editing Software)

Kdenlive is a free and open source video editing program which offers a similar level of video editing capabilities as those found in similar programs such as Adobe Premiere. Perfect for those looking to free themselves from the shackles of Adobe and their endless subscription pricing model. 

PLATFORMS: Linux, Windows

PRICING: Free (Open Source)

Twitter: @kdenlive

Official Website:

Kurko Mods (Game Mods)

 Kurko Mods

- Not all game development runs down the same traditional path. Many great developers got into the craft through the path of modding existing games and a standout in this field is Mark Kurko of Kurko Mods. One of their specialties is in the modding of the N64 classic, Banjo Kazooie, which is a treat for fans of 3D platformers and the N64 in general. While this falls more in the area of fun versus learning and tutorials, playing and researching mods (especially skillfully designed ones) can often provide and inspirational gateway to many budding game designers. A must follow for any N64 fan.

Twitter: @Markus_Kurko





Stencyl (Game Engine)

A powerful drag and drop 2D game creation platform, Stencyl allows budding game designers to jump right into game creation with minimal barriers to entry. Well suited to mobile game development and excellent for learning the basics of coding and game creation. Stencyl uses a modular block coding system similar to another simpler game engine known as Scratch which makes this an ideal stepping stone for beginner game designers who cut their teeth on that popular educational game engine.

PLATFORMS: Linux, Windows, Mac

PUBLISH TO: Linux, Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, HTML 5, Flash

PRICING: Free (with select pricing options available)

Official Website:

Twitter: @Stencyl


Godot (Game Engine)

Godot is a versatile game engine capable of both 2D and 3D game design. This engine is targeted at an intermediate level with a bit of a learning curve due to its use of coding. The engine is designed to offer a full game development environment allowing a game to be built from scratch. Godot has become a bigger deal in the industry, with many developers using it alongside other engines like Unity and Unreal making it ideal for many budding game designers to look into to expand your base knowledge.

PLATFORMS: Linux, Windows, Mac

PUBLISH TO: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, HTML 5, and more.

PRICING: Free (Open Source)

Official Website:

Twitter: @godotengine

NOTABLE GAMES: Ex-Zodiac | Spooky Station | TailQuest: Defense

OpenGameArt (Resources)


When it comes to game design, resources for your new game ideas can be one of the hardest things to source if you aren't personally capable of making them yourself. This is where today's site comes in, OpenGameArt is one of the best repositories of gaming development resources, especially for those on an extreme budget. They have thousands of resources covering just about anything you could need including graphics, music and sound effects. In addition, as long as you give credit and properly follow the licensing, most of the resources can be used free of charge (even with commercial projects) which is a massive help to many budding developers.


Twitter: @opengameart

Scratch (Game Engine)

Scratch is the ultimate game engine for beginners. It is a block-based visual programming language targeted primarily at children ages 8-16. It was developed by the MIT Media Lab and is used in the education of early programming and game development. If you have a child who has shown any interest in either game development or programming, Scratch would be an excellent starting point in their journey. While it is not used in mainstream game development, there are plenty of game engines that can be transitioned to once a user has become comfortable with the concepts taught by Scratch. Some examples include GDevelop and Stencyl.

PLATFORMS: Linux, Windows, Mac

PUBLISH TO: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, HTML 5, and more


Official Website:

Twitter: @scratch

GDevelop (Game Engine)

GDevelop is a 2D free and open source game engine designed to be used by anyone. No programming skills are required as the engine uses a logic based drag and drop system. It's visual programming style is similar to other engines such as Stencyl and Construct making it an easy transitional engine from those programs. GDevelop is well supported and growing daily making it a perfect option for newcomers and those looking to branch out into mobile development.

PLATFORM: Linux, Windows, Mac

PUBLISH TO: Linux, Windows, Mac, HTML 5, Android, iOS


Official Website:

Twitter: @GDevelopApp


NOTABLE GAMES: Lil Bub's Hello Earth | Hyperspace Dogfights | Karambola

Kenney (Graphics and Resources)


- When it comes to starting a new game, one of the more difficult aspects can be coming up with graphics and assets to get things started. Some people just aren't as artistically skilled as others. In these cases, you can turn online and find a variety of artist who have ready made assets for potential games ready to go. @KenneyNL is one of the more noteworthy artists in this category. They've even crafted a set of browser based ship and creature builder programs to quickly craft assets for your games. 

Twitter: @KenneyNL



Creature Mixer

Ship Mixer

GIMP (Image Editing Software)

GIMP (General Image Manipulation Program) is a free, open source image editing program comparable to competitors who charge for similar software. If you're looking to free yourself of the shackles of Adobe and it's subscription based pricing model, GIMP is an excellent alternative that has you covered no matter what computer operating system you use (Linux, Windows, or Mac). The biggest stumbling block for most is that while GIMP offers a similar set of powerful image editing features like Photoshop, it does so under a different interface. This interface works quite well (especially for those not used to Adobe's long running Photoshop) but will require a little effort to learn where everything is located if you've been using Photoshop for years. Put simply, GIMP offers a similar level of power with none of the monetary overhead which makes it a perfect option for those who want to freely create without pricing restrictions.

PLATFORMS: Linux, Windows, Mac

PRICING: Free (Open Source)

Official Website

Twitter: @GIMP_Official

OpenShot (Video Editing Software)

OpenShot is a free and open source video editing program. While not quite as deep as something like Kdenlive in terms of options, OpenShot is perfect for those looking for a more accessible video editor that can handle the daily grind of something like YouTube. One of its nicer features is support for 3D animated titles and effects using Blender. For those who may remember simpler video editing programs such as Windows Movie Maker, OpenShot feels like a modern fleshing out of that programs ideals. It offers much more depth but with a similar ease of use.

PLATFORMS: Linux, Windows, Mac

PRICING: Free (Open Source)

Official Website:

Twitter: @openshot

Audacity (Audio Editing Software)

Audacity is an open source audio editing program. Whether you want to start a podcast, edit music or refine the audio for your YouTube videos, Audacity has got you covered. The program is easy enough to use for newbies but offers a lot of depth for audiophiles who know what they're doing. 

PLATFORMS: Linux, Windows, Mac

PRICING: Free (Open Source)

Official Website:

Twitter: @getaudacity

TwilioQuest (Educational)

TwilioQuest is a PC "Learn to Code" RPG designed to actually teach you the basics of programming. It will give players a foundation of knowledge for real world programming languages such as Python and JavaScript. You will also learn about things such as Open Source and API (Application Programming Interface). If you're new to programming, this is a great way to get the ball rolling as the game will give you real, working knowledge that can be built upon and expanded.

PLATFORMS: Linux, Windows, Mac


Official Website

Twitter: @TwilioQuest

Solarus (Game Engine)

Solarus is an open source Action-RPG game engine. It is specifically focused on games that play similar to classic Zelda games but it does this well and comes recommended if you're trying to make a similar style of game. It's focus on this style of game also makes it a bit more accessible to newcomers. If you've used something like RPG Maker on modern game consoles, you'll have an idea of what to expect from this engine. Currently, one of the engines highest profile games is Ocean's Heart which has seen release on platforms such as Steam and Nintendo Switch.

PLATFORMS: Linux, Windows, Mac

PUBLISH TO: Linux, Windows, Mac, and more

PRICING: Free (Open Source)

Official Website:

Twitter: @SolarusGames 

NOTABLE GAMES: Yarntown / Ocean's Heart / Children of Solarus

An Update on the Site

I know its been a long time and I generally don't talk directly about Treon's Realm as a site but I'm planning on taking things in a different direction going forward. In late 2020, I took over as Producer of the Class Vs Crass Gaming Podcast. Sadly the main host, Jay, decided to move on from the Podcast in 2021 due to his busy schedule so we put it on permanent hiatus. In turn, I had to move onto different things. 

My plan has always been to return to Treon's Realm and grow it into something more but it's been difficult to figure out where to go with it. Ultimately, I have always loved gaming and game design so I want to open things up a bit and turn the site into more of a resource hub for retro gaming and designers both new and seasoned. One of the big goals is to focus on lesser known resources that allow for the ability to build complete games for little to no cost whatsoever. This will include game engines, educational creators, resources such as graphics/music and much more. This is partially for myself as finding much of this content has been quite difficult over the years and partially because I want to make things much easier for creators both young and old in hopes of freeing people from the rather dystopian state of the mainstream video game industry. I believe anyone should be allowed to create and enjoy games without gatekeeping from entities such as corporations and overpriced educational institutions. We live in an era where the technology is available to take a game from concept to complete product and fully self published at literally no cost and I want anyone with the drive to take advantage of this.

With that said, welcome to Treon's Realm, the Home of Anything Goes Game Design.