Monday, October 22, 2012

Amazing Doctor Who Trailer Is A Perfect Sneak Peak

I always enjoyed science fiction as a kid and I thought I had a good beat on what to expect. I grew up on Star Wars and Star Trek with the years bringing me series such as The X-Files and underrated gems such as Farscape and Fringe. Always on the periphery of my vision was Doctor Who. Familiar more with the iconic imagery such as the TARDIS and The Daleks mainly because of my aunt, the series always seemed like to much of an investment to really get into. About 2 months ago, I stumbled upon an all day BBC marathon of specials exploring the worlds and characters of the new Doctor Who series which started in 2005. Interested, I fired up the Wii and clicked on Netflix thrusting myself into a marathon of over 90 episodes with my wife and I becoming as invested in the series as one of the Doctor's many "Companions". Needless to say, we have both become fans with even my son requesting that I build a Lego Dalek for him (I ended up building 3 different size variations). It is a series that any intelligent sci-fi fan should be watching and I have found a trailer on YouTube that gives a taste of this epic series without giving away too many "Spoilers". Enjoy!

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