Monday, September 17, 2012

Learn The Basics Of La Mulana In New Beginner's Guide

With the flood of recent Wii U news, it would be easy to forget that the Wii is days away from releasing a brand new action-adventure game on its WiiWare service. La-Mulana is a challenging Metroidvania game that has a rough ride making it stateside. Nigoro, the games developer, has put together a lengthy 7 minute beginner's guide that both showcases the game and preps you for your adventure. You are introduced to Mulburk, the "idol of the game" who takes you through the guide with tips on controls and in-game items. It's a fun little video that does a good job of introducing you to the game world while informing you that you will die often, so don't get discouraged.  If you are a fan of games like Metroid and Castlevania, La-Mulana is just what you're looking for. Get your whip on this Thursday (09/20/2012) for 1000 Wii Points.

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