Sunday, March 3, 2013

Wii U eShop Release List

As traditional 3rd party publishers bail on Nintendo (as they typically do each console generation), independent developers are stepping forward to support the Big N. Nintendo has learned much from the Wii and made the Wii U very indie friendly which we are seeing in the many successful Kickstarter campaign's and upcoming Wii U eShop games. While I am sure to have missed a game or two, here is a quick list of new titles coming to Nintendo's HD console. Kickstarter titles are marked with a "KS" and I have provided links for many of the games or their developer/publisher. Enjoy!


  1. I have provided links for many Kizi of the games or their developer/publisher. Enjoy!

  2. I would like to offer up a lot para
    with people, and share them with games
